Intergenerational Expert, Award Winning
Author, Health and Caregiving Advocate Devoted to Capturing Life Stories
— every life journey is unique and important!
Debby’s 3 G’s – Get Informed, Get Organized, Get Moving!®
I am so proud to be a co-creator with an amazing team of people to bring you a product that truly is
a MUST HAVE for yourself and your loved ones. Please visit our award-winning Digital LifeCloud® site at—Your Vital Information Instantly
Available 24/7 Anywhere in the World!
There's important information in my award-winning books! Please visit Delphi Health Products at Also,
when you are there click on Press Releases and Reviews on the upper left of the home page.
Capturing Life Stories
Interviewing my father was a profound experience that brought joy to FOUR generations and resulted in a 96-page-interview book,
Cherished Memories, found at
This book sold out when it was featured on QVC, but it comes FREE in digital format with a Digital LifeCloud® subscription.
Free to invited guests. Download code from article
Chronological Essential
Health Information Form
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This downloadable PDF document allows you to create a chronological health information form for medical emergencies.
101 Reasons to Chronicle Your Life Story
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This downloadable PDF document can help you learn more about why you should chronicle your life story. Enjoy Debby's inspirational "101 Reasons
to Chronicle Your Life Story" by clicking on the PDF image at left.
Debby on PBS – Cherished Memories: The Story of My Life
Finally, here is a 102nd reason recently posted by Harvard Medical School:
The Story of Your Life and the Power of Memoir
Intergenerational Activities... and More
My Intergenerational Curriculum in Action.
I love collaborating with Dorothy Breininger, aka DorothyTheOrganizer,
and one of our partners in Digital LifeCloud®.
As a health and caregiving advocate, I am proud to be Chairman Emeritus of Vital Options International.—Giving Voice to patients' Concerns
/ Fighting for Patients' Needs. .
Everyone knows someone with cancer. Download our FREE Organizing eBook The Cancer Concierge® now. No cost. No strings. Just loving help.
Spread the word:
“I have used Digital LifeCloud® personally. I have been so happy with it that I began using it in my
business and setting my clients up their own Digital LifeCloud®. Our colleagues have been impressed with our
ability to share medically sensitive files with them, on the fly, for our clients. Best of all they are HIPAA
compliant. It makes us look good and helps our clients immeasurably.”
—Frances Piekarski, Living Life With Dignity. Visit Fran's site at
Living Life With Dignity.